Lady Smoke

** spoiler alert ** Laura Sebastian I FINISHED THE SECOND BOOK ALREADY! I can't.. the book was soo powerful with a perfect blend of love and friendship. The book started on The Smoke and ends in the Fire mines in Astrea. Yes they come back! The book is well organized with handful of surprises knocking you off your feet. There have been deaths of characters that have scarred me for life and I am still mourning on them. There are interactions with Art, Blaise and Soren that Theo has, and it can easily melt the hearts of people with Theo's fire. I came across new ships in this book! Their is Erik and Horen. They are just the cutest and I am hoping they get all that they deserve in the Third book. Then there was the agreement with the Archduke, that I shipped. Don't come at me. I am still team Thoren all the way but for those few chapters, I felt that Theo would be respected with The Archduke. I am not happy about how the ship ends but it was never meant to be for long. Let...